College Visitor Opening Hours

Christ Church College

Want to explore the colleges while you're staying in Oxford?

Oxford University is a collegiate University. There are over 30 colleges that make up Oxford University. Each college has its own unique architecture and character.  

Colleges form smaller academic communities where students have accommodation, dining halls, libraries, a bar and common rooms as well as College groups and societies. All undergraduate students become members of a particular college when they join Oxford University.  

For the full list of Oxford University Colleges, click here

Many of the Oxford Colleges are open to visitors. Visitors can walk around the colleges' quads and explore the college gardens. For college visitor opening times, click here


Outside of term time, and sometimes during, colleges can be used for all kinds of events, including: meetings, conferences, accommodation, parties, lunches, dinners, drinks receptions, weddings and some are even available as filming locations. Enquire today to discover the perfect college or University venue to host your event.

**Click here for University Term dates

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