The Newman Rooms

The Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy is based in the Old Palace also known as Bishop King’s Palace. The Chaplaincy started in 1896 and moved into its current premises in 1920. The building was originally constructed in 1485 with another part added in 1622. The building was designated a world heritage site in 1954 and is a grade 1 listed building overlooking Christ Church. In 1972 the buildings were expanded with new modern buildings that now houses The Newman Rooms and all accommodation.

The Newman Rooms at The Catholic Chaplaincy are a wonderful place to hold conferences and have all types of functions. We have lovely spacious areas to offer. On entering from the big blue door into the Narthex through into the Newman Rooms there is The Polygon that can be used separately or opened into the Narthex for bigger functions. There is also a small kitchenette for hire.

There is The Crispian Hollis Room for both formal and informal events also situated on the ground floor. On the upper floors we have The Strange Room and a wonderful and peaceful Library both for hire. For very special events like filming we can also offer the Blue Room for hire with spectacular views and the incredible ceiling in the old part of the Palace a very special place indeed.

8 meeting spaces with capacity for up to 500 guests for Dining, Buffet, Theatre, Classroom, Boardroom, and Other functions.

Bedrooms 0

Ensuite 0

Standard 0


Lunch yes

Dinner yes

"It's been a great experience using the Conference Oxford service. Hope we will have more opportunities in the future."

Centre of Development Studies

Jacinta Evans
01865 276995
  • The Newman Room

    Dining 250

    Buffet 250

    Theatre 500

    Classroom 250

    Boardroom 250

    Other 500

    The Beautiful Newman Room has spacious seating for up to 500.


    Bluthner Grand Piano, projector, power screen all linked to wifi and satellite. Additional requirements for catering and IT can be obtained.


    Fully accessible, groundfloor


    Term & Vacation

  • The Hollings Polygon

    Dining 50

    Buffet 50

    Theatre 50

    Classroom 50

    Boardroom 50

    A lovely open versatile room with seating for up to 30. Can be used for conferencing, book launches, talks and tutorials.


    Projector and screen, linked to wifi and satellite for video conference calls


    Fully accessible, groundfloor


    Term & Vacation

  • The Hopkins Library

    Buffet 30

    Theatre 30

    Classroom 30

    Boardroom 30

    The Hopkins Library is a lovely airy meeting room with views towards Christ Church



    No disabled access; first floor, no lift



  • The Strange Room

    Dining 20

    Buffet 20

    Theatre 20

    Other 20

    The Strange Room is a cosy small meeting room ideal for small group meetings, interviews, tutorial classes and examinations.


    Portable projector, screen and whiteboards with comfy seating


    No disabled access; first floor, no lift



  • The Crispian Hollis Room

    Dining 12

    Buffet 12

    Boardroom 12

    The Crispian Hollis meeting room can be hired out of term for lectures, tutorials and meetings it is a beautiful red room that be both formal and cosy.



    Fully accessible, groundfloor



  • The Newman Room 1

    Theatre 250

    Classroom 250

    Boardroom 60

    The Newman Room can be divided into two rooms.




    Term & Vacation

  • The Newman Room 2

    Theatre 100

    Classroom 50

    The Newman Room can be divided into two rooms.




    Term & Vacation

  • Narthex Room

    Dining 50

    Buffet 50

    Theatre 50

    Classroom 50

    Boardroom 50

    The Narthex is a lovely spacious area which can be used as an extension to other rooms or a break out area for refreshments.



    Fully accessible, groundfloor


    Term & Vacation